Lord William说:谁是 $ETH 发展的最大敌人?以太坊基金会!

以太坊基金会昨天又转移近 1亿美金的ETH到交易所,继续卖币享福了,引起社区公愤。

以太坊基金会的核心开发人员或研究人员从以太坊上构建的项目中作为顾问获得收益;基金会 “国会化”,被各类资金和利益围猎,乐此不疲;
多达300个拿着 ETH 津贴的成员,寄生以太坊,吸血以太坊;绝大多数是在纸上搞研究,对申请补助的创新项目爱答不理;
每年 1亿美金的开支,明细不公布,每个人的津贴金额不公开;基金会的人只知道给顶层人员拍马屁;
过去一年,以太坊圈子不聊发展,不聊应用场景,但是大谈“正统性”( Legitimacy );生态内生存靠“舔”,谁舔得最狠谁得资源;

今天的以太坊基金会正在变成 #ETH 的负担,这个带有极强意识形态色彩的组织,对以太坊极其生态而言已经成为负资产。


Who is the biggest enemy of $ETH? The Ethereum Foundation!

Yesterday, the Ethereum Foundation
transferred nearly $100 million worth of ETH to Kraken exchanges again, continuing to sell off #ETH and enjoy their lives, which has sparked public outrage within the community.
Since the end of 2021, Ethereum’s crypto market dominance (ETH.D) has been declining, down by 32.5% already.

The Ethereum Foundation cannot escape blame, as it has six major Sins!

  1. Corruption:
    Core developers or researchers at the Ethereum Foundation get profit by serving as advisors to the projects built on Ethereum. The Foundation has become “Congress-like,” constantly being hunted by various funds and interests, and they indulge in it.
  2. Bloated and inefficient:
    With up to 300 members in Ethereum Foundation, they are parasitizing and draining Ethereum. Most of them engage in research on paper only, showing little interest in supporting innovative projects that apply for grants.
  3. Lack of transparency:
    Spending of $100 million annually is not detailed, and the stipend amounts for individuals are not disclosed. People in the Foundation are more focused on flattering the top leaders to get benefits.
  4. Ideology first:
    Over the past year, the Ethereum foundation has been less focused on development and application scenarios but has instead been talking a lot about “legitimacy.” Survival within the ecosystem depends on “bootlicking”; whoever licks the most gets the resources.
  5. Inaction:
    Protocols and applications on Ethereum are fleeing to other blockchains like Solana. The Foundation only knows how to threaten by selling off coins, rather than actively communicating to retain and serve high-quality potential projects. They are not actively marketing Ethereum and have not brought new growth to it.
  6. Lack of innovation:
    Slow updats and lack of innovation equate to waiting for death. With only one or two updates per year, which are minor tweaks, they remain complacent without any drive. In the history of global enterprises, countless corporate giants have perished due to stubbornness or failing to recognize the need to adapt. In the dark jungle of blockchain, a lack of innovation plus slow response equals failure.

Today, the Ethereum Foundation is becoming a burden for #ETH. This organization, heavily driven by ideology, has become a negative asset for Ethereum and its ecosystem.
The mission of the Foundation should not be to control the thoughts and soul of Ethereum but, like all participants in the ecosystem, to ensure the value of Ethereum’s blocks and promote ecosystem innovation!

My Fund
was once a supporter of Ethereum, holding a substantial position in ETH and investing in many ETH ecosystem projects.
Continuous disappointment has led us to reduce our allocation in ETH this year.
If Vitalik
and the Ethereum Foundation
remain unwilling to change, we will abandon Ethereum!



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