$AI16Z几乎腰斩,直接原因是Shaw跑去支持AI16Z兄弟伙组局的AICC,一个内部人亲友团吃独食的海天盛筵,Bag Acceleration
但根本上还是Shaw,对AI16Z Dao的定位不清:
AI16Z Dao到底是一个AI的DAO,还是只满足于拥有ELIZA 框架的ELIZA DAO?
- ELIZA大小写,搞出了Logan老鼠仓,Logan离开团队;
- 声明ELIZA框架属于AI16Z,半官方的$ELIZA只能转型去做AI Depin;
- 支持极度Farming的AICC,另外一个AI DAO,哪怕这是兄弟们组局的DAO,也是对AI16Z DAO的吸血鬼攻击。。。 个人偏见:
Shaw并没有理清AI16Z DAO的定位,而是被大户所裹挟,同时享受称兄道弟和投怀送抱的快感。
AI16Z:DAO,投资有潜力的web3 AI,甚至web2 AI;
DegenAI:AI Defi or AIFI;
ELIZA: AI Agent OS / Infrastructure
Shaw hasn’t clearly defined AI16Z DAO’s position. Instead, he’s been swayed by whales, reveling in the thrill of bro culture and attention satisfaction.
The simplest and most accurate positioning should be:
AI16Z: A DAO investing in promising Web3 AI, and even Web2 AI projects.
DegenAI: AI-powered DeFi or AIFI (AI Finance).
ELIZA: AI Agent Operating System / Infrastructure.
This clear delineation would help differentiate the projects and leverage their unique strengths in the AI and crypto ecosystem
Wake up @shawmakesmagic
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