【零撸】Coinbase 领投 900w 刀的
,每周做任务 free mint NFT,共六周
Arcium 是SOL链第一个并行可信计算网络,总共获得 SOL基金会、Coinbase 领投的 900w 融资,纯老外项目

1️⃣ 进入 https://arcium.com/citadel ,点击 begin your journey ,然后一直按流程确定即可
Begin your journey → Continue your journey → Continue→ Continue → Continue → Visit the Ancient Library → Proceed → Proceed → Proceed → Investigate an Arx → Continue → Imagine → Step inside → Continue → Continue

2️⃣ 接着到答题页面,依次回答即可
1. True
2. True
3. False
4. True
5. True
6. True
7. False (然后要点继续)
8. 选:Each Arx serves as a conduit, forming Clusters that provide strength and stability. Within each Cluster lies an MXE nexus where Arcae’s energy is pooled and harnessed. (然后点继续)
9. False
10.选 All of the above

3️⃣ 回答问题结束后,链接钱包点 accept 即可 mint 一个 NFT (貌似需要0.5刀左右,也不多