rick awsb说:这是我在八年Web3旅程中的第一次感到我们缺乏清晰的方向

以下是一篇8年币圈og,Stacy Muur的一篇随笔,应该也代表了很多人的心声:










回想当年,Axie 在没有复杂基础设施的情况下就为Web3带来了大量用户。同样的还有Stepn,甚至是Steemit(还有人记得那个2016年最早流行的社交平台吗?)。




This is the first time in my 8-year Web3 journey that I feel like we’re lacking a clear direction or thesis.

In the past, we always had dominant narratives to rally around, with a few trends catching up in the background. Now, attention feels completely scattered.

I notice this uncertainty when reading reports from leading Web3 research firms: scattered topics, if/when-based conclusions, fewer deep dives, and more reports focusing on the state of specific sectors.

Nothing groundbreaking.

You might argue: “We’re building the infrastructure for the next generation of consumer, AI, social, and gaming apps. This stage is necessary, and it’s fine.”

That’s true—to an extent.

Look at gaming chains. The competition is fierce, but we have a limited number of promising games emerging. Many teams are betting on high-load applications, but this won’t pay off for most, even if/when gaming becomes the next big thing.

Chain abstraction? Another service-focused development meant to lower barriers for the next wave of apps—but no one really knows what those apps will be.

All these efforts are exciting, but they’re based on assumptions, not facts.

Back in the day, Axie brought tons of users to Web3 without needing complex infrastructure. The same goes for Stepn or even Steemit (anyone still remember that first popular social platform from 2016?).

So here’s my controversial take: we’re building infrastructure not because it’s urgently needed, but because we don’t know what else to build.

I agree if you disagree.



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